Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
586 lines
** Testplayer.s
** A sample player that visually reports EaglePlayer's actions
** within external players.
** Use the source as a skeleton model for your own players.
** Refer to the sample sources for additional information.
** Once assembled, load this player into EaglePlayer, and try
** playing the file 'testmodule'. It is only a textfile with
** the word "TEST" at the beginning. Notice now that
** EaglePlayer's actions on the module are visible. This should
** aid you in your coding sequences.
** Original source by Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel of Delirium.
** Changed for EaglePlayer by Eagleeye of DEFECT
** English, comments, and general banter by Kevin Dackiw & Eagleeye.
** Have any problems/concerns/ideas? Feel free to contact the
** authors:
** Author from DeliTracker: Author from EaglePlayer:
** ------------------------ ------------------------
** Frank Riffel Jan Blumenthal
** Merkstr. 27 Erich-Mühsam-Str.33
** 8129 Wessobrunn O-2510 Rostock 5
** Germany Germany
** Or myself:
** Kevin Dackiw
** sikorsky@bode.ee.ualberta.ca (preferred)
** kevind@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca
_LVOOldOpenLibrary EQU -408 ;exec library offsets
_LVOCloseLibrary EQU -414
_LVOTextRequest EQU -174 ;offset for TextRequest in Req.
incdir "include:"
include "misc/DeliPlayer.i"
PLAYERHEADER Test_TagArray ; define start of header
dc.b '$VER: TestPlayer V1.20 (22 March 93)',0 ; for OS 2.0 version command
dc.l DTP_PlayerVersion,2 ; define all the tags
dc.l DTP_PlayerName,Test_Name ; for the player
dc.l DTP_Creator,Test_Creator
dc.l DTP_Check2,Check ; omit any unused
dc.l DTP_Config,ConfigPlayer ; functions as
dc.l DTP_UserConfig,UserConfig ; needed!
dc.l DTP_SubSongRange,SubSongrange
dc.l DTP_InitPlayer,InitPlay
dc.l DTP_EndPlayer,EndPlay
dc.l DTP_InitSound,InitSnd
dc.l DTP_EndSound,EndSnd
dc.l DTP_StartInt,StartInt
dc.l DTP_StopInt,StopInt
dc.l DTP_Volume,Volume
dc.l DTP_Balance,Balance
dc.l DTP_Faster,Faster
dc.l DTP_Slower,Slower
dc.l DTP_PrevPatt,PrevPatt
dc.l DTP_NextPatt,NextPatt
dc.l DTP_PrevSong,PrevSubSong
dc.l DTP_NextSong,NextSubSong
dc.l EP_StructInit,StructInit ;Init & Get Analyzer
dc.l EP_StructEnd,StructEnd ;Free AnalyzerStructure
;if nessesary
dc.l EP_Get_ModuleInfo,Get_ModuleInfo ;Get Infotaglist about
dc.l EP_Free_ModuleInfo,Free_ModuleInfo ;Module
dc.l EP_Voices,Voices ;Set Voices on/off
dc.l EP_SampleInit,SampleInit
dc.l EP_SampleEnd,SampleEnd
dc.l EP_Save,Save ;Save the Module
dc.l EP_ModuleChange,ModuleChange ;change Playroutine of
;Modules with Player
;in them
dc.l EP_ModuleRestore,ModuleRestore ;restore these Mods,
;for Saving
dc.l EP_LoadPlConfig,LoadConfig ;Load & Save the
dc.l EP_SavePlConfig,SaveConfig ;Config of the Player
dc.l EP_GetPositionNr,GetPositionNr ;Positionnumber for
dc.l EP_SetSpeed,SetSpeed
; dc.l EP_CheckModule,CheckModule
dc.l TAG_DONE ; signify end of tags
*---- Playername / creatorname and textstructure for our requesters ----*
Test_Name: dc.b 'TestPlayer',0
Test_Creator: dc.b 'Written by Delirium & Eagleeye for Testpurposes',0
Reqname dc.b 'req.library',0
*---------------------- TextStructure für Req.Library --------------------*
dc.l 0 ; ^Text
dc.l 0 ; ^ParamList
dc.l 0 ; ^Window
dc.l 0 ; ^MiddleText
dc.l 0 ; ^PositiveText
dc.l OKTxt ; ^NegativeText
dc.l TitleTxt ; ^Title
dc.w $ffff ; KeyMask
dc.w 0 ; textcol
dc.w 0 ; detailcol
dc.w 0 ; blockcol
dc.w 0 ; versionnumber
dc.w 0 ; Timeout
dc.l 0 ; abortmask
dc.l 0 ; reserved
OKTxt: dc.b ' OK ',0
TitleTxt: dc.b 'TestPlayer-Information',0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'InitPlayer routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine is called every time a new module is loaded.',10
dc.b 'The audiochannels should be allocated here, and any',10
dc.b 'player specific initialization should be performed.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'EndPlayer routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine is called every time a module is killed',10
dc.b '(removed from memory). Player specific cleanup routines',10
dc.b 'are performed here, and the audiochannels should be',10
dc.b 'released at this point.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'InitSound routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine handles the initialization of the module.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'EndSound routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine clears the audioregisters.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'StartSound routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This code must start the sound interrupts.',10
dc.b 'If you use the internal DeliTracker routines, you must',10
dc.b 'delete this entry from the TagArray.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'StopSound routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This code must stop the sound interrupts.',10
dc.b 'If you use the internal DeliTracker routines, you must',10
dc.b 'omit this entry from the TagArray.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'UserConfig routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine is for the use of advanced players.',10
dc.b 'For example, if your player needs access to a directory',10
dc.b 'of instruments, this routine could prompt the user with',10
dc.b 'a requester for the path to the instruments. Additionally',10
dc.b 'the path could then be saved in a custom config file, such',10
dc.b 'as s:<playername>.config. Any future runs of the player',10
dc.b 'would only then have to fetch the path from its config file.',10
dc.b 'This custom config file must be accessed from the Config routine.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'ConfigPlayer routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine is entered after the player is loaded.',10
dc.b 'At this point you may load a custom config file to fetch',10
dc.b 'such things as a default instrument path, and the like.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Load PlayerConfig routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine loads the players preferences",10
dc.b "from ENV:Eagleplayer/<Filename> .",10
dc.b "You may e.g. load a config with the",10
dc.b "instrument path.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Save PlayerConfig routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine saves the player preference of",10
dc.b "the selected player to ENVArc:EaglePlayer/<Filename>",10
dc.b "Usefull for Instruments path.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'NextPattern routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine skips ahead one pattern in the module.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'PrevPattern routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine skips back one pattern in the module.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Get PositionsNr routine called.",10,10
dc.b "You have to give the actual Position in Module back",10
dc.b `Useful to show on which Position you are ...`,10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'NextSubsong routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine jumps to the next subsong (if supported).',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'PrevSubsong routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine jumps to the previous subsong (if supported).',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'Faster Speed routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine increases the playspeed.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'Slower Speed routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine decreases the playspeed.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Set Speed routine called.",10,10
dc.b "Here you get & set the Speed in Eagleplayer which you"
dc.b "control comfortable by the slider on the left side",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'SubSongRange routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine must determine the min & max subsong number.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'Volume routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine controls the volume.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'Balance routine called.',10,10
dc.b 'This routine controls the balance.',10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b 'Voices routine called.',10,10
dc.b `This Routine switches the 4 Voices of Amiga on/off`,10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Save routine called,",10,10
dc.b "This routine saves the module.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "SampleInit routine called,",10,10
dc.b "This routine handels the initialization",10
dc.b "of the Sample-Taglist.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "SampleEnd routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine has been called every time if a Samplewindow",10
dc.b "had been closed.",10
dc.b "The player will free the used memory of the",10
dc.b "Sample-Taglist.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Get_ModuleInfo routine called,",10,10
dc.b "This routine handels the initialization",10
dc.b "of the ModuleInfo-Taglist",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Free ModuleInfo routine called.",10,10
dc.b `This Routine will be called if a Module was ejected,`,10
dc.b `so that the player could free allocated Memory for the`,10
dc.b `Taglist, if needed`,10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Check routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine will has been called every time a module had",10
dc.b "been loaded. The player tests if it knows this",10
dc.b "module-format.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Module Change routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine will be called every time a module with",10
dc.b "playroutine within itself has been loaded. The playroutine",10
dc.b `will change it to an Analyzer/Volume&Balanceset ...`,10
dc.b `compatible replayer`,10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "Module Restore routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine has been called every time a module with",10
dc.b "playroutine should be saved.",10
dc.b "The original replayercode will be restored.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "StructInit routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine returns a Pointer to an anylyzerstructure.",10
dc.b "This structure will be filled by the player.",10
dc.b 0
dc.b 10
dc.b "StructEnd routine called.",10,10
dc.b "This routine has been called when player stops or the",10
dc.b "module will be killed. This routine deallocates",10
dc.b "the structure memory.",10
dc.b 0
*-- Check if the module is a TestPlayer-Module (THIS ROUTINE MUST EXIST!!!) --*
Check: move.l dtg_ChkData(a5),a0 ; get module base from DT
moveq #0,d0 ; clear register
cmpi.l #'TEST',(a0) ; supported type ?
sne d0 ; no - signal false
bne.s .NotFound
lea Check.TXT(pc),a2
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0
.NotFound: rts ; leave
*-------------------------- Initialize the player ----------------------*
InitPlay: lea InitPlayer.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0 ; no error
*---------------------------- Clean up the player ----------------------*
EndPlay: lea EndPlayer.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*--------------------------- Initialize the module ---------------------*
InitSnd: lea InitSound.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------------------- End sound -----------------------------*
EndSnd: lea EndSound.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------------------ Start interrupts -----------------------*
StartInt: lea StartInt.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------------------- Stop interrupts -----------------------*
StopInt: lea StopInt.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
; There is a BIG difference between the »Config« and the
; »UserConfig« Routine !!! The Config routine is immediately
; called after that the Player is loaded. It is used to
; configure player (e.g. load config file and set pathes)!
; The UserConfig routine is only called if the User selects
; the player in the PrefWindow and presses the Config Player
; GADGET. This routine is thought as a method of getting
; informations (playerspecific preferences) from the user
; (e.g. pathes for instruments or maximum memory usage).
; The difference between Config and InitPlayer is that
; Config is called ONCE the player is loaded and that
; InitPlayer is called every time a module is played.
*----- get/set playerspecific preferences (configuration routines) -----*
ConfigPlayer: lea ConfigPlayer.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
UserConfig: lea UserConfig.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0 ; no error
LoadConfig: lea LoadConfig.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0 ; no error
SaveConfig: lea SaveConfig.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0 ; no error
*----------------------------- Patterncontrol --------------------------*
NextPatt: lea NextPattern.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
PrevPatt: lea PrevPattern.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
GetPositionNr: lea GetPositionNr.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #1,d0 ; PatternNr
*------------------------------ Subsongcontrol -------------------------*
SubSongRange: lea SubSongRange.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
moveq #0,d0
moveq #2,d0
NextSubSong: lea NextSubSong.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
PrevSubSong: lea PrevSubSong.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------------------ Speedcontrol ---------------------------*
Faster: lea SpeedFaster.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
Slower: lea SpeedSlower.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
SetSpeed: lea SetSpeed.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*--------------------------- ModuleInfocontrol -------------------------*
Get_ModuleInfo: lea GetModuleInfo.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
sub.l a0,a0
Free_ModuleInfo:lea FreeModuleInfo.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*-------------------------- SampleInfo-Control -------------------------*
SampleInit: lea SampleInit.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
sub.l a0,a0
SampleEnd: lea SampleEnd.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------ UserProgramm-Structure-Control ---------------------*
StructInit: lea StructInit.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bsr DisplayMsg ; output
sub.l a0,a0
StructEnd: lea StructEnd.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------ UserProgramm-Structure-Control ---------------------*
ModuleChange: lea ModuleChange.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
ModuleRestore: lea ModuleRestore.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*------------------ Volume & Balance & Voice Control -------------------*
Volume: lea Volume.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
Balance: lea Balance.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
Voices: lea Voices.TXT(pc),a2 ; fetch text
bra DisplayMsg ; output
*-------------------------------- Save ---------------------------------*
Save: lea Save.TXT(pc),a2
bra.w DisplayMsg
*---------------------------- Subroutines ------------------------------*
DisplayMsg: lea reqname(pc),a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) ; open req.library
tst.l d0
beq.s DisplayEnd ; library open failed
lea TextStruct(pc),a0 ; address of text structure
move.l a2,(a0) ; copy text pointer to block
move.l d0,a6 ; get ReqBase address
jsr _LVOTextRequest(a6) ; print the message
move.l a6,a1
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close req.library
DisplayEnd: rts ; bye!